Friday, December 3, 2010

Its my story- My Project Experiences:)

Doing  masters in DMT was my all time dream. And I always thought it would be so serious, so difficult types. But it was only after, I got into the core of it, I started noticing and enjoying the fun elements too :)
PROJECTS are not always threatening. Its more about the experience.
These are my first semester projects, which was all about knowledge, practice, skill, understanding, familiarity and above all enjoyable :)

Ghost Trapezoids- OMG There is a ghost in my telescope

This was the first project in my masters. It was really an experience working with people from multi-cultural background. My group comprised of 7 ppl, 1 from Indonesia, 1 from Malaysia, 2 from China, 2 from Myanmar and am from India. All are passionate, energetic experts with extreme knowledge and good amt of experience in this field. This field, the technical terms, was completely new to me. Autodesk 3d max, Maya, Irrlicht Game Engine, modelling, rendering, lighting, audio, animation—ooh,,, But thanks to everyone, I was able to learn many things and finally with 1500 lines of C coding, with hero , heroine, ghosts and spaceship characters, with effective bgm and sfx , we submitted the project :)

3D Mesh Viewer

This was an individual project which has to be done in OpenGL. It has to be done in 2 parts, under the guidance of 2 professors. At this point, I really feel, I should tell about my second Prof Verrit Goss :)
He s a genius, with very long golden hair, and we started working for the project at least to impress himJI did not exactly know why, but we called him rockerJ..So finally it was done with various user models like transformation, displaying normals, lighting adjustments, in both orthogonal and perspective projections..
Success always put smiles on your face automatically. This is what happened to my end result. :).I got A+ for this project :)

Fantasy Coin Collector
The name itself is so funny., Yup there is a story behind it..
It is a 3 level coin collector game is developed using FLASH illustrating the principle of Collision Detection in animation. It is a single player game, demonstrating Oriented Bounding Box Collision and Circle -Circle Collision Detection. We, a group of 3, again received A+ for this project.
It was only at the day of presentation we realized, we did not have a proper name for this game, I just heard someone saying “fantastic” somewhere in the class, and finally we ended up in this name :)
u can also watch our game demo here:)

It is a one level game, single player game developed in Flash demonstrating collision detection. I could say it was the first version of the Fantasy coin collector game. It was this game, first we started developing, and in the final review, it was a shock that for many of the teams, the story line was the same. And the tragic comedy is, to derive at this story line, we had that many discussions and numerous mails..
I really doubt, how the majority of the class ended up with this story line. Anyways, we completed this project, for our satisfaction and started a very new project the Coin collector for submission..
You can view our game demo here :)
A Sense of satisfaction :)

Content Based Cartoon Character Retrieval 

 This project was for the course Multimedia Information Management. We were 5 , which includes a Phd Student, but the shocking surprise was they chose me as the group leader :) I was really excited and we all worked together, shared all our works, and my guidance was Arfika, the Phd student. Actually most of the credits should go to herJThis project was an awesome experience and am sure all had a very good time ..
This was a MATLAB program to extract visual features to represent cartoon characters and to calculate the efficient distances to estimate the dissimilarities between cartoon characters accurately. We also used Paint.NET.3.5.5 for image segmentation.

Eyes Alive

 This is the project, which I loved most. It is an individual project, sort of researching a research paper, and either writing a report or presenting it.
I always loved to talk rather than paper work and thus chose the presentation. I just wanted all to understand the concept simply, with more fun. It was all about analyzing the importance and significance of eyes. So I experimented on real time subjects. Took many funny photos and videos of my friends for synthesis of natural eye movement and finally proposed a simple algorithm for it :)
It was damn fun presenting itJand more fun for my friends who posed for the pictures. It was so shocking for them to see their different expressions in a very big projected screen :)

Watch out for part 2 – my second semester projects, which I believe should be more entertaining than this :)


  1. This is really a interesting factor.... added sugar to the cup of coffee.... keep growing :)
    All the best Sis :D

  2. Hi girl, thank u for mentioning my name in your post =P Wish you all the best for this semester and also your future career ;)

  3. @vimalan anna: Thank u so much:)u were alos one of my inspiration,, na
